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Viltrox 27mm F1.2 Pro vs. Fujifilm XF23mm F1.4 LM WR - Sharpness, Color, and Bokeh

When it comes to prime lenses, the battle between sharpness, color tones, and bokeh quality is often a topic of intense debate among photographers. In this blog post, we're diving into a comprehensive comparison between the Viltrox 27mm F1.2 Pro and the Fujifilm XF23mm F1.4 LM WR lenses. Both renowned for their optical prowess, we'll explore the nuances of their performance in terms of sharpness, color rendition, and bokeh quality.

model: valeriartemyevaa | XH2 XF23mm F1.4 LM WR, ISO125, F1.4, 1/640s
model: valeriartemyevaa | XH2 XF23mm F1.4 LM WR, ISO125, F1.4, 1/640s

Sharpness Unveiled:

One of the primary considerations when choosing a lens is its sharpness, as it directly impacts the quality of your images. The Viltrox 27mm F1.2 Pro stands out with exceptional sharpness, even surpassing the already impressive sharpness of the Fujifilm XF23mm F1.4 LM WR. What's intriguing is how the XF23mm F1.4 WR lens, known for its sharpness, becomes a bridge between the Viltrox 27mm and the XF33mm in terms of sharpness hierarchy. It's a fascinating order: Viltrox 27mm surpasses XF23mm, which in turn surpasses XF33mm in sharpness.

Left: Viltrox 27mm F1.2 Pro | Right: Fujifilm XF23mm F1.4 LM WR

A Tale of Color Tones:

Photography isn't solely about sharpness; the color tones a lens produces contribute significantly to the overall mood of the image. Here, the Viltrox 27mm F1.2 Pro and the Fujifilm XF23mm F1.4 LM WR reveal distinct differences. The Viltrox lens tends to produce warmer tones, adding a cozy ambiance to your shots. In contrast, the XF23mm lens leans towards cooler tones, imparting a more sophisticated and cooler aesthetic. The choice between the two is subjective, offering photographers the freedom to select the tone that resonates with their vision.

Left: Viltrox 27mm F1.2 Pro | Right: Fujifilm XF23mm F1.4 LM WR


Bokeh, often considered the holy grail of background blur, offers that sought-after dreamy separation between the subject and its surroundings. While at the 23mm or 27mm focal lengths, the bokeh might not be as pronounced as the impressive 56mm F1.2, it still maintains a good amount, especially for half-body shots. The Viltrox 27mm F1.2 Pro and the Fujifilm XF23mm F1.4 LM WR both shine in delivering remarkably smooth bokeh transitions. This attribute allows your subjects to emerge boldly against a beautifully blurred backdrop. The lenses offer an equal playing field when it comes to achieving this artistic effect, empowering photographers with the creative freedom to craft captivating imagery.

Left: Viltrox 27mm F1.2 Pro | Right: Fujifilm XF23mm F1.4 LM WR

In the realm of lens comparisons, the Viltrox 27mm F1.2 Pro and the Fujifilm XF23mm F1.4 LM WR have showcased their unique strengths. The Viltrox lens boasts exceptional sharpness, positioning itself as a top contender in its category. Its distinctive warm color tones provide a cozy atmosphere, while the XF23mm lens delivers cooler tones for a sophisticated touch. When it comes to bokeh, both lenses excel in achieving

Full video comparison:

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Viltrox 27mm F1.2 Pro:

Fujifilm XF23mm F1.4 LM WR

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